Plastic bags are choking our earth. There are better alternatives, attractive and economical.
Patagonia and Body Shop are just two of the New Age brands that have built their appeal on EcoLogic; meaning a deep and sincere respect for the environment. image You don’t need mega bucks to earn that kind of respect. As long as you are sincere and act on your beliefs. Saying so across a million ugly hoardings will achieve less than one customer walking out of your store carrying a reusable cloth bag with your logo on it. Every consumer who looks ate it will know that you act on what you believe. This is what Patagonia says: Our company mission statement: "Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm and use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis", gives us purpose and urgency. You can make the same statement when you hand out cloth bags. And for less than you think. See what we have to offer at then write to me if you’d like to plan a strategy based on good sense. I respect folks who want to achieve miracles on tight budgets, and I enjoy working with them
on Oct 22, 2005
'EcoLogic; meaning a deep and sincere respect for the environment.'
Or perhaps meaning a deep and sincere suspicion that claiming concern for the ecology might just corner them the custom of the affluent and ever-growing eco-sensitive demographic. They don't want to be ADMIRED, they want to be SUCCESSFUL. Call me cynical if you like, but these people are in business first, last and always to make money. Compare with ('United Colours of ...') Benetton - crusaders for interracial harmony, or purveyors of overpriced clothes in possession of a brilliant and highly effective marketing strategy? You know what I think.